Our beautiful parish has a 150 year history here in O’Fallon! I invite you to join us, as a visitor or as a member of our loving parish family, as we continue that history of striving to follow Christ. I hope this website can answer your immediate questions, but you are always welcome to contact us personally, or better yet, to stop in for a visit to find Christ here... and bring Christ to the world.
Peace, Fr. Nick
Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12-Noon, 5:30pm Monday-Friday: 6:30am, 8am & Saturday: 8am
Holy Day’s Vigil for Feast: 5:30pm Feast Day: 6:30am, 8am and 7pm
Join us for Assumption Cars for Christ, Saturday, April 12, from 9AM-1PM and support Habitat for Humanity. All are welcome to enjoy a day of cars, community and charity! ...
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Presentation on the Eucharist with Dr. Ben Akers of the Augustine Institute Thursday, April 3, 7PM Church Join us for "A Living Sacrifice: The Holy Mass and Our Ch...
Lent is a time to grow closer to God… Join Assumption for Stations of the Cross this Lenten Season. • Friday evenings through April 11 at 7PM in the Cha...
Lent is a time to grow closer to God… Join the #AssumptionParishOfallon Respect Life Apostolate (Pro-Life) Ministry to pray the Rosary in the Chapel after 8AM M...
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5, and leads us to the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, to culminate in our Easter celebration. During the 40-...
This winter and into the spring, we are continuing the video series we started watching in the fall, “The Wild Goose” with Fr. Dave Pivonka: Discove...